28 August 2004


Welcome to the Votergate trailer download page

The filmmakers have already successfully produced a piece on this subject for BBC television and are now seeking funding to continue to take advantage of unique opportunities to document the unfolding story and produce a full length TV documentary and DVD in time to affect the November 2004 election.

This work brings together all of the key players who have been working on touch screen voting and election fraud. It has a unique potential to galvanize public opinion and action on the issue before the election. But only if they are able to continue to find funding now. For more information about the Votergate film project, or to request a copy of a DVD with more detailed substantive material from the broadcast quality documentary film already in production, please contact the film makers

America's votes are being counted in secret by a few powerful corporations on computers designed to be so insecure that they can be hacked without detection. The Republican and Democrat votes can be swapped or even totally rewritten. At best the electronic voting machines fail to count votes accurately. At worst they could be used to steal the presidency. 'Votergate' is the investigative documentary uncovering the secrets and lies behind America's newly computerised election system.


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