27 September 2003

Piecing it Together


I spent the weekend pondering what I heard at the ITAA/E-voting secret phone conference Friday. I then went and did a little checking into names and people and came up with some interesting facts and even more interesting questions.

These are just the list of some of the questions that are addressed in this article ... click on read article below to read the answers

Questions: How much money did these companies spend getting HAVA enacted? Who got the money?

Question: Why are defense contractors mucking about in our voting process?

Question: Didn't anyone wonder about a Saudi firm owning a company that makes voting machines for American elections?

Question: Isn't SAIC acting as a de facto independent testing authority for the state of Maryland, and thus ITAA would be in the position of providing "input" to SAIC, who have a VP on ITAA's board of directors?

Question: In any case, isn't it a conflict of interest, and at the very least rather improper for there to be a tie between ITAA and SAIC?

Question: Has SAIC disclosed this conflict to the state of Maryland?

Question: Has ITAA disclosed the conflict to its prospective clients in the e-voting industry?

Question: Why is the price of the contract a secret?

Question: Why is an offshore company, run by non-citizens, allowed to handle something as sensitive as military voting?

Question: Why is the military being given a voting process highly vulnerable to fraud or disruption?

Question: Isn't it rather improper for Lewis to be helping the e-voting industry form a lobby?

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